Kitchen Gravure Workshop in Gent - 16 October

60,00 €

During this workshop, we will create etchings in an experimental ‘kitchen’ way that you can easily continue practising at home.

We will replace traditional copper with reused tetrapack and use a paste machine to print our drawings. Cool right?

Léa came up with this and will guide you step by step.

We will draw (scratch) with a tip, learn to use the ink, wipe it out and start printing.

As we work with a paste machine, the dimensions of your etchings are also small (8 cm max), but fine.

After the workshop, you'll know how to get started at home.

We will make 2 to 4 black-and-white mini drawings (this depends on your inspiration and drawing speed) and will make a few prints of each etching.

You don't have to be a top draughtsman to get great results. Simple is often the best!

Léa will also provide a few images that might inspire you and you may copy.

It is best to bring an apron!

Sorry I'm french... I will do my best to manage this workshop in english! Be kind :D

Ajouter au panier

The Mie-Time studio will be located at Luxemburgstraat 70, 9000 Gent, België . From 7 ->9:30 pm

Payment is made on this page and acts as a reservation. No refunds will be made for cancellations. I'm counting on you! You can however give up your place to a friend ;)